Monday, April 19, 2010

Oceans and the way they work

Currents normally move in a specific direction. oceans currents vary in size and some of the stronger currents are found near the California and Humboldt currents in the Pacific, the Gulf Stream and Labrador current in the Atlantic and the Indian Monsoon current in the Indian ocean.

Currents can be either surface or deep water currents. Surface currents are caused be wind because it creates friction as it moves through the water. This friction then forces the water to move in a spiral movement and creates gyres. The surface currents found in the upper 400 meters make up about 10% of all the oceans water. Gravity plays a role in moving surface currents because the top of the ocean is uneven.

In the northern hemisphere gyres spin clockwise and in the southern hemisphere they spin counter-clockwise.

Deep water currents are found below 400 meters and make up about 90% of the ocean. like surface currents gravity plays a role in creating deep sea currents but these are mainly caused by the density difference in the water.

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