Friday, April 30, 2010


I have decided to talk about the poverty in third world countries and how the government is taking away their land and fresh water. The people don't have the money to buy th fresh water they need or to buy the caplets that kill the germs in the streams. I think that it would be better for the earth if we could share the water evenly. Even though the water is full of germs the people still drink it and have suffered from diseases and from family passing away. Some people have had water taken away for 4 weeks at the max and it is very sad. 2 million people have die because of the water pollution.

Some words that are important:

-Pollution- pollution is when there are water resourses or air and other stuff are filled with bactieria and germs. This is unsafe for people.

-Poison- Poison is a very toxic and can kill people that have consumed something that contained it.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Fresh Water- Every Drop Counts

We watched a DVD about fresh water as most of you know and I think that it was very interesting and I never knew about how much water we use. I wish that all of this information was given to us when we were younger so that we could have started saving water. We should try to save water when we use the shower or wash dishes. If we end up losing water in the years to come then we will have a hard time trying to live. Water is irreplaceable. It is one of the major things on earth that keep us living.

Quote- "Every Drop Counts."
`What they mean by this is that you should try not to waste it and use it responsively. Most of the fresh water that we have that is fresh water is frozen. This means that if we end up having water issues then we can go to the glaciers for help, but we might end up losing the water from the ice because of Global Warming. Even on farms they are trying to use less water for their crops. Saving water is a big deal even though some people think that they have enough. Most people don’t know that much about water which is why it’s going to waste. The thought that go through some people’s heads could be….. “There is a lot of water in the world who cares” or “Water is every where so why are we worrying about it?” One of the most popular sayings is…. “Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink.” This means that there may be water around you but only some is capable of drinking.

Quote- "It's melting away, it's wasting away, I need it, there's no doubt about it."
When they said this i thought about the melting ice caps and all of the people that are wasting the water they have. I know that this is because of global warming and we can help by saving water and recycling it.

Quote- "It's what we've got, it's all, that's it."
This made me think about there is nothing on earth that can replace this. Water is our only chance of survival, if its gone we can spend i few day without it but after that things will turn ugly. If we don't run out of ocean water before fresh water we are still in a delema, we will not be able to survive on salt water because of the germs and bactieria.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Ocean Currents as alternative energy!

There is a experiment going on in the United States, Japan, China and some European counries. this experiment is turning ocean currents in alternative energy. This is only possibly with the use of turbines. This is possible because they would be able to capture and movement that contains energy.

Currents are very important to geographers, meteorologists and other scientists. If there were no currents then species would not be able to get around and there would be very different weather patterns.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Oceans and the way they work

Currents normally move in a specific direction. oceans currents vary in size and some of the stronger currents are found near the California and Humboldt currents in the Pacific, the Gulf Stream and Labrador current in the Atlantic and the Indian Monsoon current in the Indian ocean.

Currents can be either surface or deep water currents. Surface currents are caused be wind because it creates friction as it moves through the water. This friction then forces the water to move in a spiral movement and creates gyres. The surface currents found in the upper 400 meters make up about 10% of all the oceans water. Gravity plays a role in moving surface currents because the top of the ocean is uneven.

In the northern hemisphere gyres spin clockwise and in the southern hemisphere they spin counter-clockwise.

Deep water currents are found below 400 meters and make up about 90% of the ocean. like surface currents gravity plays a role in creating deep sea currents but these are mainly caused by the density difference in the water.