Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mitochondrion & Chloroplast

I used this photo because it tells you what the mitochondria parts are. The mitochondria is found in almost everything. What iI am talking about in this blog is that the mitochondria is the power house. http://giantshoulders.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/mitochondria.jpg

Well, first off the mitochondrion and the chloroplast were both designed with efficiency in mind. They are different in some ways though. The mitochondrion is found in most things but the chloroplast is only found in plants. The mitochondrion is like a power house.
I used this picture of the chloroplast because it shows you what the parts are and what they look like. Chloroplast is only found in plants. I am talking about the way chloroplast uses photosynthesis to get nutrients for the plant.http://course1.winona.edu/sberg/ILLUST/chloroplastCartoon.gif

On the inner membrane (called the cristae) an imortant reaction happens. The reaction called cellular respiration he mitochondrion captures the energy and turns it into ATP. It produces ATP for the chloroplast to use.

When the prosess of photosynthisis occurs the chloroplast uses the sun light to convert carbon dioxide into a energy rich sugar called glucose. Both the mitochondrion and chloroplast want to have ATP. There is so much going on inside the cell which means if they have more ATP they have the more can happen within the cell.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The cell power point.

Anton van leeuwenhoek was won of the first people to look at water under a microscope. Robert Hooke was a english scientist who studied cork the dead cell on oak. There are four microscopes that I can name. The light microscope, the scanning microscope, the electron microscope and the transmission microscope. They were invented in 1974. I'm pretty sure that invented in England but that is just a guess. They were invented because people wanted to be able to see how the cell worked and what they looked like.